When being CAGED will no longer do!

Are you a carpool parent? I’m a carpool mom. Yesterday when I pulled into the garage, after picking my son up from school, it sounded like our dog was at the back door.

I looked at my son and he looked at me.

I said, “I know I locked the dog in the cage and I know I locked the bottom.”

I told him to open the door and see if the dog was out. Yelp, the dog greeted him at the back door.

Now we’ve had this dog for 8 years, since he was a puppy, and he never before was breaking out the cage.

I told him what he not going to do is keep

  • Unlatching the door,  
  • Breaking out the cage
  • Running around my house

While home alone like he own the place. I pay these bills! He’s a small dog, so I fixed his little butt. I now have to put the door side of the cage against the wall so he can’t get out.

Have you ever felt like you’re caged in a situation and you wanted to breakout?

Thought you’d found the answer for your breakout, only to find out it has been blocked.

  • Whatever door you were going to walk through – closed
  • Vehicle to extra money coming – stopped
  • New opportunity – blocked
  • New idea – held up

Whatever the situation you were going to breakout because you were tired of it and you wanted something different, but there you were still caged in that situation.

Maybe you’re feeling caged when it comes to your federal contracting business.

You’re stuck somewhere along the process and you don’t know how to breakout.

If you find that you’re feeling caged and you’re

  • ready breakout
  • looking for the access door
  • seeking the answers to get unstuck

I invite you to have a conversation with me in a discovery session call setting where you’ll be able to

  • Share what you’ve accomplished already
  • Where you’re stuck
  • Where you’d like to be

And then I can share with you your best next steps and how I can help you get there.

If you’ve been wanting to get started with contracting with the federal government and you know you could use some guidance and you’re ready to get the guidance you need schedule your call.

Be the Game Changer


P.S. Ready to play at the next level in your business? Check out what I have for you.

Presenting to you…

Next Level Contractor: 4 months of private client mentorship with Felicia, that’s me, to go from being caged, stuck, and over worked to completely in control, bidding contracts, submitting proposals like the contractor you know you are!

Can we just be honest with each other for a minute?

  • You’ve be settling
  • You have been playing it safe, because you’re afraid of the paperwork and you’re afraid of it not working.

And you know, that in order to go big and really truly have the federal contracting business of your dreams that is fun and easy and profitable >>> you’ve gotta step it up.

You’ve gotta move into the mindset of the person who does whatever they need to do in order to get what they want.

Which you haven’t been doing…

You know, “cause of fear and stuff.”

But enough is enough with that. You’re ready now, you know you are, you’re tired of watching everyone else get what they want and it’s your turn. It’s time for you, now. No more waiting.

This is…

>> 4 months of 1:1 private, mentorship with Felicia (that’s me!) with biweekly coaching sessions (with homework, assignments, and all the kick in the pants you need, plus DAILY conversation via my private coaching device, Voxer.

>> Access to the Contractors Edge Bootcamp for FREE

>> Your very own GET IN FREE pass that you can use toward any of my FUTURE programs, workshops and trainings that I offer during our time together!

And anything else that comes up, we will do for you!

It’s basically the BEST THING EVER.

This is the highest of all levels to work with me as a private client. This is for serious contractors that are ready to seriously take things to the Next Level.

That you?

Use this special link to schedule your Next Level Contractor Inquiry Chat: http://askfeliciastreeter.as.me