How I landed a huge contract in less than 30-days!

There are billions of people in this world and the federal contracting marketplace. There are a few that you see often in the marketplace winning contracts. I wondered why that was especially with the government spending trillions of dollars every year with small businesses.

At first, I thought maybe it was me. Maybe I’m tripping was what I thought until I started working with contractors in my business. What are they doing that I’m not? Why are they getting contracts on repeat?

That’s when I realized they were doing something different than I was and then most other contractors too.

I’m asked all the time how long do you think it will take to get a contract?

The real answer is how would I know. Nobody knows unless they have a contract that they’re getting ready to award to you.

You’re asking the wrong question.

I keep telling those in my community that relying solely on free resources like your SBA, PTAC, and Score to help you land a contract is a huge mistake.

I could give you a bunch of reasons but these three should get you to re-evaluate your current strategy for getting federal contracts.

You’re told… We’ll help you…

  • Create your business plan
  • Market your business
  • Get a contract

How many people do you think they’re telling that same line to each day. All the people they’ve told that too is calling on them to actually help them plus new people every day. Do you know how many new businesses start every year? 6,516,000. Which equals 543,000 every month, and 18,1000 every day.

So where do you fit in when you need an answer like right now? Their reply when you call is one of these…

  • Sam is on vacation this week.
  • Sam doesn’t have any available appointments until December 12th (and it’s the beginning of November).
  • Sam no longer handles small businesses

The reason doesn’t matter. The end result is that you will wait. Wait until they have availability for you. You’re no more important than the next free customer. No matter how much they want to help and see you succeed it’s a job for them. When they get a promotion or leave the agency it all ends for them. They are no longer there to help you.

So now what are you going to do?

This is just a tip of the iceberg as to why you’re not getting contracts and why those you’re talking with are saying it’s taken them months or even years to get a contract.

You heard so many people say it’s taken them months and some say years to land a federal contract.

I’m asked all the time how long do you think it will take for me to land a contract after doing the Contractor’s Edge Bootcamp?

There is no average. Every business and person is different:

  • What you offer
  • The price you charge
  • How long it takes you to complete project
  • Your capacity to perform

Of course, there is more, for you can see how every business is different.

You can’t compare your average with someone else’s average. Your time frames will be different.

  • After I stopped complaining about not getting any contracts
  • After I stopped comparing my rate of success to someone else’s
  • And started working within my capabilities things changed

I did an assessment of what I was already doing:

  • Attending networking events, conferences, and trade shows
  • Connecting with people after conferences
  • Using fedbizopps (government system) to connect and look for projects to bid

Those actions had me asking the same question…

  • What do I need to do to get a contract
  • How long will it take for me to get a contract
  • Will federal contracting work for me like it has for other people

Nobody could answer those questions for me. And I can’t answer them for you. I had to do differently to get different.

It took some trial and error, getting into the federal government textbooks (my own term), getting a mentor, and a coach.

This simple activity landed me a contract of almost $12,000 a month for 48 months. (I’ll leave you to do the math.)

I’m contributing this contract to mindset and action.

The only difference in me landing that contract and the strategy I teach with simply checking in is that it was my first time reaching out to the decision makers.

In order for this to work…

  • I had to learn how federal contracting worked versus private sector work
  • I needed to narrow my focus in the services I’d provide
  • I had to discover who was my customer (because all federal agencies was not my customer and neither are they yours)

Once I did that and narrowed my focus to 3 customers instead of the wealth of agency opportunities, my business changed overnight.

From there I was able to send a series of emails to my customer base and landed a 4-year contract totaling over half a million dollars!

I contribute it to three things…

  • Knowing my customer preferences and the services they purchase
  • Having the capacity to perform at the level and type of scope of work they put out
  • Reaching out introducing myself to build a relationship and letting them know I had the capacity to take on more projects if they had a need

End result is they had an immediate need

And I was able to fulfill that need for them

Of course, I’m not saying everyone will have the same experience. For sure, it will increase your chances when you

  • Find your customers, who solicit contracts for your products or services
  • Learn their preferences while making sure they’re in alignment with your business preferences
  • Make sure you have the capacity to perform at the level of contracts they are putting out

Now, I’m showing YOU how to get the Contractor’s Edge in making your contracting dreams a reality.

In growing your business into one that allows you to pay yourself more, increase your bottom line profits, gives you fuel while bringing the fun back into your business, makes you a lot of money and changes your life and your families life.

I invite you to join me in this…


6 Weeks of high-level support for privately owned small business owners and construction contractors ready to increase their bottom line profits!

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This is for the small business owner that isn’t afraid to ignore all they’ve heard that doesn’t work for what is proven and works anyway!

This is for the woman, man, construction company, trade contractor that is absolutely certain, without a doubt, that they were meant to get a piece of the trillion dollar pie, and refuse to stop unit you’re in and it’s done!

(Once you get that first contract, you’ll want more)

This is for YOU, it’s about to change your life and your business forever, in the best way possible.

If you’ve been on the grind, but not accomplishing the increase you desire, not landing federal contracts, LISTEN UP!

This is SIMPLE, landing government contracts!

CLICK HERE to read more about this incredible opportunity to Walk Down Contracts and JOIN us limited spaces available: