Your Basic Requirements As A Government Contractor

Feeling like getting started as a government contractor is a mystery?

Some people say the path to winning their first government contract is a breast! They find themselves stuck on the path getting to a certain point and then just going in circles looking for a way out to move forward.

Every time a hurricane hit, which seems to happen every year here lately in the United States, I get calls from small business owners. You want to get some of that quick response money, but here’s the first question I ask you…

Are you already set up to receive government contracts? Are you in the government systems?

If you have no clue what I’m talking about I know the answer is no. Or either you answer no or you’ve just heard about a government contract you could possibly win, but never knew anything about government contracting until this point.

There’s a sequence of steps you must complete prior to bidding and being awarded a contract.

Here are the five basic requirements for government contracting:

  • Meet requirements by acquiring the necessary codes like DUNS number and NAIC Codes
  • Be properly registered for government work
  • Meet the size standards as it relates to your business, NAIC codes and those of your affiliates if do partnerships
  • Remain in compliance with laws and regulations
  • FAR (federal acquisition regulation) your resource, meet your new best friend

There you have it your five basic requirements you need to know for government contracting.

Don’t get caught behind the 8 ball, waiting until you have a contract you want to bid to start the process to get your business set up to be government ready to bid contracts.

Once you see a contract to bid it’s too late to start the process. It could take anywhere from 14-30 days, if you can dedicate the time, to get your business government ready.

If you’ve been thinking about government contracting – the time to get started is now, so that you’re ready when an opportunity presents itself.

P.S. If you need help starting and growing your government contracting business, go here to see how we can help  

Related blog post: The Benefits Of Government Contracting