I’d had my head in the sand for months as to the reality of my business. I’d achieved my income goal 3-months in a row. I had not even realized it until my daughter pointed it out.
I was too busy grinding and hustling to even notice. Sad right?
So for 3-months I had not celebrated not once my achievements. I did not reward myself. Shame on Felicia!
Since, I’ve created my money plan, which includes:
- My monthly income goal
- A reward for myself WHEN I reach that goal
My goal last month was when I reach my goal I’d buy myself an Apple watch. I took care of that yesterday!
This month if I reach my goal:
- My son gets a PS4
- Family shopping spree of $1,500
- Not even sure we’d spend that much
You get the point. You must set goals and have metrics in place to measure your success. Reward yourself when you hit your goals.
The only way to make this entire process of falling back in love with your business happen is with a money plan and money management system.