If you’re still mad about something someone has done to you in the past?
Truth bomb…the people you’re mad at are not even thinking about you, yet they control your present and your future because you keep looking back.
Do you watch the TV show Shark Tank? Mr. Wonderful, Kevin O’Leary, has a phase that he says to those that don’t take him up on his offer.
“You’re dead to me”
And he means it! That’s how you must treat that situation. Stop looking back.
Looking back will cause you to miscarry your future. It sounds small, but it’s a HUGE block that many entrepreneurs most overcome in order to have the life they crave and business they desire.
Do this now:
1. Check yourself
2. Commit to facing forward my butterfly
3. Be free of the past
It will take time and practice with you checking yourself on a regular basis, but it will be Game Changer.
Have a forward facing week!