Got friends that are winning government contracts? Don’t know much about government contracting, yet the big checks got you interested?
Looking for the video on this post? Here it is!
What Is Government Contracting?
The government and its various agencies purchase products and services from suppliers, contractors, and service providers.
Here are seven huge insights to why you’d want to be a government contractor:
- The United States government is the biggest spender in the world.
- The government spends trillions of dollars annually with small businesses
- The government has small business contracting goals for a set dollar amount and percentage of dollars allocated for small business contracts.
- You as the supplier, contractor, or service provider produce goods or services and provide to the government via a contract.
- The government buys in both large and small quantities.
- The government is required BY LAW to buy from small businesses.
- Working with the government opens the door for huge sales revenue OPPORTUNITY.
Now that you have the answer to What is Government Contracting, you can see the huge opportunity before you.
You just have to make the decision on whether you’d like to look further into what’s possible for your business and what you’ll need to do in order to make it happen.
If you are thinking about becoming a government contractor but don’t feel like you know where to start, let me know what your struggles are! I’d love to help you through them.
What questions do you have about government contracting? Let me know in the comments!